How many bricks required for 1 cu.m wall ???

1.     How many bricks required for 1 cu.m wall of 11/2 brick thickness ???


                                       For a 12   brick thickiness wall (i.e. 30cm nominal thickness). Therefore nominal volume of wall of 20m length , 1m  height & 0.3m thickness = 20*5*.3 = 30 cu.m.
                          Normally mortar joint will be less than 1cm, but assuming mortar joint as   1cm thickness, then actual thickness of wall will be = 29cm. therefore , actual thickness = 20*5*.29 = 29 cu.m.

      Nominal Size of standard brick =  20cm*10cm*10cm.
       Number of std bricks = 29/(.20*.10*.10) =  14500

           Number of bricks per cu.m(nominal) = 14500/30 =483.3333
                                                                                =483 bricks.

      Considering 5% breakages, wasteges,etc (assume)
                    So,Number of bricks required for 1 cu.m = 500 bricks


        Therefore, number of bricks required for 1 cu.m = 500 bricks .


  1. A small doubt why you taken 5 in 20 *5*0.3 incalculation

  2. A small doubt why you taken 5 in 20 *5*0.3 incalculation
